Thursday, July 29, 2004

I truly hate the current state of email.

I use microsoft outlook, which for the most part is a good program.

Here are my gripes:

1. The search in outlook sucks
2. Spam is 98% of the email I receive

On #1: I tried to remedy this by downloading and installing Lookout, which is an awesome search tool.

On #2: I have tried various spam blockers, and I am currently using some toolbar plug in that runs inside of outlook to route emails that are junk to a dead folder

Here's my problem: Now that I've installed both of these tools, outlook behaves in a very buggy way.

  1. Sometimes the spam filter doesn't even kick in.
  2. Sometimes certain features of outlook just fail to work:

    1. Forwarding attachments directly from word sometimes fails.
    2. Sometimes closing and restarting outlook fails. It will close, but it will never start back up. I can see it as an active process in task manager, but I can't get it to appear
    3. Simple things like using the delete key to delete an email won't work.
    4. When I try to right click on an attachment I've received, the pop-up menu will quickly appear and disapper.


Whoever fixes the current state of email will be deservedly rich.

Friday, July 02, 2004

I'm Bored - Rock, Paper Saddam

Thursday, July 01, 2004

The Austin Chronicle: News: The Talented Tenth - Our government at work!

A man calls his boss one morning and tells him that he is staying home because he is not feeling well.

"What's the matter?" Boss asks.

"I have a case of anal glaucoma," he says in a weak voice.

"What the hell is anal glaucoma?"

"I can't see my ass coming into work today."