Monday, September 27, 2004

List of annoying commercials

That's it! I've had enough! I'm putting the television networks on notice. I'm tired of a range of annoying commercials, some of which I am going to list here, and I invite anyone reading this to add to the list by posting a comment in relation to this post.

    Here's the start of the list:

  • PLEASE! No more genital herpes commercials! The target audience can't possibly be everyone watching Law and Order at 8:30 PM on a Sunday night.
  • I appreciate that women have several feminine issues, but is it really necessary to refer to them so specifically as to say "feminine itching and odor"? ODOR? What's next? Why not this: "hey bob, I have a hairy ass, and sometimes I can't get it clean with just toilet paper..." - bob: "That's okay frank, try this new 'dingleberry de-odorizer'!"
  • Slightly off topic: Fear Factor. In general, I like the idea of this show, because it test's people's limits. I really can't watch it though, because the 2nd event on every episode I've ever watched comes on right around dinner time, and usually involves something like eating the intestines of a dead person or some such grossness. I like sophomoric humor as much as the next person, but I don't want to see someone eating live leeches when I'm trying to eat my dinner.
  • I'm working on the others, but c'mon people, let's reel in the offensive level of these commercials!

Feel free to add to the list if you like.


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